Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Thursday, October 06, 2011


We are taking a train to Zurich! And in the train, there is a play area for children. Here is a spaceship that takes you to outer space! I am in control.
Here we are in Zurich! Sarah is sitting across from Fraumunster (lady church).
After a visit to the Grossmunster (big church), goong goong, mum and sarah are walking across the bridge. Looking back, the church does look big!
The people in Zurich don't dress like we do in Geneva. We found one handing out roses and Sarah and I both got a rose from her.
There is also a toy museum, where we could play shopkeepers. Here is my first customer, she was from England because she could speak English!
Some of these toys are over a hundred years old! Wah, that is very old.


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