Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our first European Summer Holiday

We decided to do what many Europeans do and take a cruise, on an enormous ship.

This thing was huge, and there were approx 2,000 passengers on board and on top of that, they had as many crew!!

OK, so the rooms weren't exactly spacious but they were well serviced.

There were little elves that came in whilst we were out and made up the beds etc.

We did manage to catch a photo of these elves - they looked like this.

We all had a great time on board - especially happy hour where the girls got right into it!

Oh, we did have time to go see some sights - here Sarah is trying on some new shoes. They just kept getting in everyone's way every time she walked.

And here is mum, Sarah and me relaxing on some steps just outside the white church looking back across the plaza. Guess where we are??!!

Oh, and this is what the White Church looks like from the road.

Pretty impressive huh?


  • At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey guys, looks like you had an amazing time! I love the photo of you two drinking through your straws, what a couple of beautiful young ladies you are! Say hi to Mum and Dad for us, and tell Dad that Liam and Ashleigh are taking their first holy communion this Sunday, their Dad would be so proud. Lots of love to you all, love the Toddies xx


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