Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, March 21, 2010

When in Switzerland, visit the Chocolate Festival

So here we are - at the 6th Chocolate Festival.

In this tent, there are chocolatiers all showing off their yummy chocolates and there are lots of samples too.

Needless to say, we went around this a few times....

And there were some amazing chocolate sculptures too. As it is the Geneva Circus year, all of these sculptures have a circus theme to it.

Here are some monkeys...

...and this clown is also made out of chocolate!

There were quite a few men hard at work creating this monster bunny rabbit - it is huge and all made out of chocolate.

They are putting his face together. I bet he weighs a tonne!

And there was also time to take in some rides, as a good day out should be.


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