Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, March 28, 2010

More sights of Geneva

A gorgeous day in Geneva - looking across the lake towards the snow on the mountain tops. Ahh... the picturesque sights of Europe.

Here is Sarah outside the flower clock. The second hand is apparently the longest in the world!
And the numbers are all planted flowers!

Still on the flower theme, here is Catherine and her friend Hannah in the botanical gardens.
We all had a lovely afternoon out there.

Within the 'old town', there is this old church - St Pierre. Very big and grand! And there is Sarah, just a tiny person beside this old old church.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

When in Switzerland, visit the Chocolate Festival

So here we are - at the 6th Chocolate Festival.

In this tent, there are chocolatiers all showing off their yummy chocolates and there are lots of samples too.

Needless to say, we went around this a few times....

And there were some amazing chocolate sculptures too. As it is the Geneva Circus year, all of these sculptures have a circus theme to it.

Here are some monkeys...

...and this clown is also made out of chocolate!

There were quite a few men hard at work creating this monster bunny rabbit - it is huge and all made out of chocolate.

They are putting his face together. I bet he weighs a tonne!

And there was also time to take in some rides, as a good day out should be.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Wow! Our first snow experience!!

It snowed last night so this morning, everything was covered in snow!

How amazing is that? Everything looks white and we even got touch the stuff too.

It is very powdery and fun to play with, consequently it took a little longer to get to school, even though school is just behind our apartment.

My new school

This is my new school, and this is my classroom, the one with the snowflakes in the window.
We have a morning session from 8.45 until 11.30am when mum picks me up for lunch. Then we have an afternoon session from 2pm until 4pm. It makes the day go by very quick!
My favourite is gym so far. And we can wear these pretty pink shoes that look like ballet slippers.
See, this is my coat hanger where I can leave my jacket. It even has my name on it. Though all the children and the teacher here says my name funny.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Some sights of Geneva

Just hanging around outside the United Nations. Look at all those flags!!

The 'Big Chair' (Actually I think it is called the broken chair or something like that).

It really is huge!

A view from the WHO building (outside Dad's work).