Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Monday, August 28, 2017

Famous landmarks, famous city

We took Goong goong to a famous city to get some historic culture.

The Sony Centre is a new building amongst the old.

Parts of the wall is still there, but no longer a barrier to get from one side to the other.

We made sure that us kids had some fun too.

Mum and dad enjoyed the drinks!

Dreams of summer...

Ahh... sun, sea, beaches... the height of summer!

Beautiful Sardinia.

Nice warm, clear beaches. Bliss.

Clear blue skies and sea that go on for miles!

Of course, gelato!

Everyday is a beach day!

Thursday, August 03, 2017

An old friend

A lot of famous people end up in Switzerland to enjoy the fresh air.
We visited the home of one.

He was even offering hair cuts!

We sent in some helpers if there was to be trouble.

Always time for the stage.

The Manoir, where they were living. Lovely big house, lovely grounds.

A visit from Goong goong

Mum's dad came over for a few weeks to enjoy the summer weather!

We did some artwork for him.

Double digits!

Sarah's reached the double digits!

We had a movie theme and had some friends over to watch FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM, and to eat popcorn.

Mum did well on the cake!

This was what Sarah really wanted, a cute bear...

...but then...!