Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Polymanga Easter Monday

Where do Mum and Dad get their energy?
The day after returning from Budapest we caught the last day of Polymanga in Montreux.  This is a exhibition related to all things Manga - Japanese Cartoons

It was quite fun and we even found some things to purchase.

What a location, beautiful

Old school games

Easter in Budapest

We decided to go to Budapest for Easter.  Just 90 minutes from Geneva by Easyjet so away we went.
First stop upon arrival, the local supermarket, where Catherine was introduced to the joys of Bubble tea.  Can you guess the flavours?

We took a walking tour the ext day to orientate ourselves.  St Stephans in Pest (~Pesht) and St Matthias on the Buda (Booda) side.

St Stephans, named after their first Christian King

St Matthias's  

Of course Hungary is also famous for its food, Goulash, which is apparently a soup not a stew?  not a great place for a vegetarian.

Next day we took a tour of the Parliament.  40 kg of gold are used to decorate the building, so everything that looks like gold, is.

We had brunch at the New York Cafe.  So very beautiful on the inside.  Hard to imagine this was not that uncommon in the good old days.

A more somber site to visit was a piece of art (cast iron shoes) commemorating the thousands of Jews transported to their deaths in WWII.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Quick Trip to Trinidad and Tobago

A quick trip to T & T
Really didn't see much, except these signs.
Plenty hot though.  Would you believe one of Trinidad's biggest exports are pumpkins? 

Ballet Open doors

Every 6 months they let the parents into the Ballet - its open doors.
This looks painful.

Protect your nuts

Look who we have around at the moment!
I guess he's looking for a girlfriend to share his nuts with.
Alas, we could only see two nuts from where we were sitting :(

Spring in Geneva.  Rapeseed being planted to prepare the soil.  Its yellow everywhere.

Clear Mornings, and warm afternoons, but not too hot yet
Seems all the planes were up early today

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

The land of sweet chocolate

Each year, the chocolate festival gets bigger and bigger.
Oh, so many wonderful and clever chocolatiers out there. 

Very trendy - emojis

Where it all started - the amazing cacao bean.

There were other sweet treats too.

One of the old trucks that use to deliver the chocolates across town.

Other popular creations.

Some more grander and spectacular than others.

And others just fun!

Spring = Flowers and blossoms

What a difference a few weeks makes!
The sun is shining, the flowers are out, spring has really sprung!