Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Big kids' races

Ready, fresh and good to go!
Happy birthday Heather, this one is for you!

It was so early that it was still dark.

Look at how many people there are. Can you see where the start is?

We are ready to DEPART!

Look at the views en route!

Near the end of the race, some talented person had spray painted this wall.

And here it is... the 21km ARRIVEE.

Half marathon completed!

Kids' races

So many other kids participating. All waiting to start!

Waiting... waiting...

And they are off!

There was someone special to meet us at the end.

Yay, we are all winners!

Enjoying the goodie bag afterwards.

Just enjoying.

On our way.

Relaxing on the train, we are on our way!

The mums relaxing on the train.

We had a day to settle in.

We found some old friends!

Someone let out that it was someone's birthday...

Always things to make you feel like a kid here.