Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A special visitor during the school holidays

School holidays have started and it is nice to hang out with friends. We are with Charlotte, about to do the accrobranche.

Up in the trees, all hooked on.

Sarah was quick!

We had a special visitor staying with us for two weeks and she had a great time doing accrobranche too! Her name is Jeanne-Louise and she is 15 years old. She wanted to improve her english.

She was able to be here to share some of Sarah's 2nd birthday cake!

We really liked her and hope she can come visit us again soon!

End of school year Promotion and Party

There is always a band to lead the charge!!

We are all parading through the streets with our classes.

To celebrate, we can all go on the rides!

Whilst the parents catch up.

 And where there is candy floss bigger than your head!!

Another year of school, done!

Sarah's 8th birthday party

Happy Birthday to Meeee!!

A jungle themed cake.

Having a few friends over for a movie and sleep over.

Thanks everyone for the presents!

Enjoying the movie in the lounge where we will also be sleeping.

Pancakes for breakfast! And dress up!

A special day for a special girl

The day was sunny and we all looked good!

It was a good day to take Communion.

Here I am with the other special children too.

Oh yeah!!

After, we were allowed to feast on the goodies brought in by the families.