Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Piano practise

This is how we practise the piano at home.


Fun during the school holidays

 The weather has been amazing so far. We have had a nice long Indian summer, with 20 deg + throughout October.
We managed to enjoy a gorgeous day of sunshine with my friend, Joana, at Signal de bourgy.

Here we tried some giant water balloons, it was really fun.

Of course, there was also an area for water play.

And some animals that wanted to be fed.

One day, we made our own animal sandwiches from my new cookbook, which I got for my birthday.
Don't they all look delicious?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Start of the Oct School Holidays - A trip out to Tropiquarium

It is that time already. Yes, school holidays have started.
We took a trip to visit Tropiquarium, an interesting collection of reptiles and birds.

Some were an amazing colour.

And we came face to face with this fellow.

This one was just chilling out.

This one had this groovy hair thing going on.

 There was time to play in the park too.

Feeding time for the penguins.

Just an ordinary evening...

Some evenings, we just like to dress up.

And practise some Ninja moves.

So don't mess with us!

Marche de l'Espoir - Walk for Hope

Again, we participated in the Marche de l'Espoir, a walk to raise money for those who need it most.
Here we are at the start with our friends.

Walking and enjoying the views.

Enjoying the brief pause.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Japanese festival

We went to a Japanese festival and did some traditional activities.
Here we are fishing for balloons.

It is harder than it looks as the hook they give you is attached to paper so if it gets too wet, you don't catch anything.

But we were clever and caught us a balloon each!

There were also a lot of people dressed up as Manga characters.
So cool!!

It was also Switch-a-roonie day. Notice we are wearing each other's clothes (except for the shoes).

We also managed to enjoy the fountains before it got too cold.

Belated birthday party with friends

Yay! My birthday!!

We had a joint birthday with my friend Joana. Her mum made the cake and it was delicious!!

Luckily the weather was nice, and we were able to go outside to play.

Present time! Thank you everyone!!