Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some fresh mountain air

Mum took us to the mountains to get some fresh mountain air. Here I am relaxing on the balcony of our hotel.

The gorgeous swiss view from our hotel.

We had bunk beds!

And there was a swimming pool. YAY!

 We met up with some friends for dinner at a place that makes its own cheese. And there was a cow in front to prove it.

 There was also a museum in the restaurant that had some really old stuff, like this old piano.
 The next morning, we woke to snow! In May! 
 So while we waited for the snow to melt, we had a drink and played a bit of chess.
 The afternoon turned out sunny, a great day for a mountain walk. Look at the views!
And feeding some donkeys...

 Then we posed for some picturesque photos...

So we took one of the mums as well. Here is mum and Mito.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Mum's 5km run for Unicef

Mum at the start ready to go!

Action shot! Mum delighted that she spotted us in the crowd!

Yay! We are all winners on the day!

 Some gumboot playing to celebrate! 

After the run, we all deserved a treat! Well done Mum!

Nail Art by Sarah

Mum was putting together a cupboard for the kitchen. Meanwhile, I (Sarah), was busy getting creative with the spare nails.
A person.

 A mouse.

 A lion.

 A cat.

And mum's favourite, a hedgehog.