Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Visiting some old friends...

Whilst dad went to Copenhagen for work, mum decided to take us to visit some old friends of ours.
They took great care of us, including setting up our bunk beds like a circus tent!
See if you recognise any of our friends!

 As part of our visit included visiting royalty, we had to dress for the occasion and of course, we travelled in style too.

We also had a bit of time to enjoy a little ride on a magic carpet!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Swim lessons

During the school holidays, mummy took us to swimming lessons everyday for a week.
It was great fun and we are starting to swim like fish!

Sarah is being very brave and floating like a starfish.

Here I am practising jumping into the pool.

And then, when I was feeling really brave, I jumped off the diving board!

You can see me in action!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Road trip to Luxembourg

After quite a long drive from Geneva, (in our new car), we finally arrived to Luxembourg. This is where we are staying!
Okay, no not really. This is the Chateau de Beaufort, a magnificent castle dating back to the 12th century. Here we are with mum's friend Warrick (a kiwi) and Ellen (a dutch) and their three girls, who drove down from the Netherlands.

The waiting room for guests.
 You can see a model of the castle inside of the castle, of what it looked like in all its glory.

 All the girls relaxing in the castle courtyard.

Not far from Beaufort, we went to Echternach for a spot of lunch (chap at the back wanted to join in the picture too). This little town is on the border with Germany so had a very german feel to it.

But of course, in every little town, there is a beautiful church.

The next day we spent in the big city of Luxembourg.
 And from its fortified walls, you can see spectacular views of the city.
 Who knew it was so high in some parts?
 Looking out from one of the many viewpoints of the wall.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

End of school year parade

Our school year has ended! At the end of each school year, the city of Geneva celebrates this by organising a big parade through town for all primary schools, called a "promotion". They close off roads and have rides set up just for us school kids.

The parade is also pretty cool, with lots of bands involved and the main street closed off. All the parents line up along the street to spot their children. We saw mum and mums of our friends too.

Ballet open class

My ballet class is coming to an end and the teacher invited all the parents in to watch us.

Here we are showing off our perfect pose.

My teacher (Mme Blanc) and I posing for the camera.

Here we are in action.