Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Thursday, May 24, 2012

On top of the mountain

In the steep cable car that is taking us to the top of the Saleve. Saves us walking!

At the top we found a playground.

Here is the million dollar view! Geneva beneath our feet! And look at that lake - doesn't look so big now eh?

Puzzle Time

After our wonderful trip to Disneyland Paris, a fairy gave us this amazing puzzle to remind us of our wonderful time there. Fantastic!

Then we had fun doing these smaller puzzles. The top one is a ball!

Friday, May 04, 2012

It's Showtime!

In full makeup and costume. Ready for the show.

We are all Russian dolls. I am the one in the middle (4th from left).

Gorgeous Spring flowers

We love springtime, it is when all the pretty flowers come out.
 Here we are, pretty girls amongst pretty tulips.

 The view of the lake is always beautiful too.