Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Monday, January 30, 2012

Out with nature

Enjoying a day out with my cousins at Zealandia (aka Karori Wildlife Sanctuary). Such a lovely hot day to do some spotting of wildlife.
Oh Look! A blue chicken!! Oh, no, it is a Takahe (native bird of New Zealand).
Here we are making some sounds of the wild with metal pipes and water.
On the swing bridge. It seems a long way down!
The Koru (fern). Very New Zealand.
Some strange animals were spotted with odd looking tails....
Feeding frenzy of eels at Nga Manu Bird Santuary.
Duck feeding frenzy with cousin Scout.

Summer, sun and fun down under!

Hooray! Summer holidays down under where the sun was shining and it was just one big long hliday where we played, played, played!
Waaaahhh!!!!! So high up!
Having fun in the park with cousins.

Settling down to watch a movie with some friends.