Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dee-licious bugs!

Mmm... yum yum. There was a tasting of bugs at the mall and since we were all a bit hungry, we thought we would go down and see what there was to eat. Here it is. A tiny bug, deep fried.
And in she goes...! Tasted a bit peanut-buttery actually.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

One week of school holidays

During the school holidays, which was last week, we had so much fun! First we went with our friends Hannah and Ben to a giant indoor fun park. It was full of bouncy slides and blow up castles for everyone. We loved this one the best as it was a giant slide!
Sarah had a great time on a smaller one until she got brave enough to go on the big one!
They also had little cars that you could drive around it. Sarah couldn't reach the pedal so mummy helped her. She was good at steering though.
Then, we went to see some dinosaurs at the mall. They were huge but we weren't frightened of them.
I went finding fossils with a brush. We found lots of different dinosaur bones.
We also had a halloween party. Here is our front door, decorated to scare our visitors.
And we were there to scare them too. Can you see our long nails?
We had heaps of fun playing musical pumpkins and ghosts and other games.
And of course, we got a bit hungry so we had a few snacks to eat, witches' fingers, bat biscuits and such.