Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The picturesque village of Yvoire

We took a boat across the lake to visit the charming flowering town of Yvoire with mah mah and yeh yeh, mum and Shane and his boys. It was very pretty with lots of flower pots and cobbled streets and lots of lovely craft shops.

Princesses through and through

Mummy and daddy got us more princess outfits from their holidays. We love them!

Pictures from mummy and daddy's holiday

Mummy and Daddy went on a big ship across the mediterranean sea. The ship was so big, you could get lost on it. A lot of times, daddy almost did!
The seas were very blue and mummy and daddy had lovely views from the ship.
Inside, they had a shopping street and lots of pubs and cafes and even a casino.
One of the places they visited was Taormina, a city near Messina in Italy. It had a roman theatre where you can see Mt Etna smoking in the background. The views were just gorgeous!
There was also a very skinny street in the town, leading up to a restaurant. Lucky daddy is skinny, else he might have gotten stuck!
Another stop was Athens where mummy and daddy saw the site where they held the first ever modern olympics, and more recently where they held the archery event at the 2004 olympics. It was rather grand.Then mummy and daddy walked up the Acropolis to see the ruined temples. It was much bigger than just the parthenon pictured and there was constant workers there rebuilding it.
Another night on the ship and another stop the next day was to Turkey. They visited the lost city of Ephesus, which was an amazing civilization 2000 years ago and it was very modern, with around 250,000 inhabitants. And back in those days, they even had running water!

There was so much of the city to uncover and see.
At the end of the day, mummy and daddy enjoyed a lovely meal on the ship. They both had a lovely time and they said that they missed us heaps.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Our fun (and final) stop

Our last day, mummy and daddy took us all to Europa Park. This was a very big park with lots and lots of rides for all of us. Whilst mummy and daddy did the big rides (and yeh yeh too!), mah mah took us on some of the rides for children.
Some of the rides, adults could go on with us.
And we went on this adult ride (viking ship) with mummy and daddy. It was loads of fun and the bestest ride!
We also had the biggest candy floss you have ever seen!
There were also other very interesting things going on in the park, all the time. Here we saw Dorothy, Tin man, Cowardly Lion and Scarecrow.

We had such a fun time!

Something for the boys

On our way back, we stopped off at a transport museum for the boys. There were planes, trains and automobiles (not to mention a concorde too!)
But there were also fun things for us kids to do to in their big playground. And they had these cool rides. I think daddy got a bit scared but I went on with him so he wouldn't be.

Lots of sightseeing to do!

We all went on a road trip through the south of Germany to visit some of the towns that mah mah and yeh yeh had read about or watched in movies.
Our first stop was in Freiburg, which had lots of lovely old buildings and impressive churches.
Then to the romantic city of Heidelberg (mah mah's choice).Of course, we had to go up to the castle to have a look around.
And Daddy found some wine! That was a bit more than even he could drink!
Next was Rothenburg. Lovely city with cobbled walkways and christmas shops.

They're here!

Mah mah and Yeh yeh finally made it to Geneva!