Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Swimming lessons.

I really enjoyed my swimming lessons. We did some swimming in the little pool (where I can stand up) and also in the big pool (where it is over my head). I can lie on my back and kick, with the help of my swimming teacher.
Sarah was a bit scared at first but she also had a lot of fun in her swimming lessons.
Here she is, practising.

Sarah's birthday!!

After singing Happy Birthday to Sarah in English, we also sung it in Francais and in Espagnol!

Friday, July 01, 2011

End of school year parade

At the end of each school year, all of the primary schools in Geneva partake in a parade. It involves a lot of bands, fanfare, children and organisation.

This year, the theme was Pirates. All the schools had their little children as pirates with different accessories. There were also real pirates... this one looked a bit like Captain Jack Sparrow!

Here I am with my class, we were the Yellow Pirates and this is our teacher, Tanja.

She is a great teacher. Sarah will have her as a teacher after the school holidays.


Yay, I am getting my cast off. After 4 long weeks, I will be able to use both of my legs again, much to mum and dad's relief.

It does involve some heavy machinery though, cor - look at that cutting into the cast.

And some tugging and pulling and frankly, brute force, to get the thing off.

Voila! One perfect leg to match the other one, albeit a bit dirty.

Catherine's ballet class

Here I am with my ballet teacher. I had to miss the last few classes because of my fractured ankle bone. But we went in for the last class to say goodbye and she gave all her students a rose, including me!

We were allowed to stay and watch the last class, here are some of my ballet friends.