Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Monday, May 30, 2011

Chinese Princesses

Daddy went to Beijing for work but came home with some gorgeous cheongsams. They turn ordinary children into beautiful chinese princesses! We also each got a little present. Can you spot what they are?

Oh dear!

Well, there is a first for everything. Here I am with my first pair of crutches. I am getting quite speedy after a few days. Too bad they didn't have it in pink!

Hullo good weather for the next 4 months!

Ahh... we will have great childhood memories of long hot summer days, spent hanging around pools and parks. We love summer!

A visit from the tooth fairy

Wow, look at this - a large coin from the tooth fairy for my first tooth! Hmmm.. better spend it on lollies so the others can fall out, then I will get more money! Great plan huh?

Monday, May 02, 2011

The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace, taken in front of their gardens.

This is taken in the courtyard, inside the Palace grounds.
Once inside, everything was just grand!

I got to try out being a guard at one of the guardposts.
They didn't take me on however.

Streets of Madrid

Just outside the Royal Opera House.

Taking a stroll along one of the streets - it was busy, and on Good Friday too!! Most of the shops were opened!

Plaza Mayor - one of the main squares where performers entertain the crowds and restaurant table and chairs line the sidewalk.

Eating out

Spain is famous for their tapas, so we went to a tapas cafe for lunch. Yum yum.

Dad is checking out their beers, but I think he got a german beer instead. Hmm...

Mandatory visit to the Zoo

Sarah being brave and feeding the flamingos.

More feeding at the zoo, this time with the baboons.

But not the bears!

Heading home again

We also got in a spot of shopping at the Disney Store! We enjoyed playing with our new toys on the plane ride back.