Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let it snow!

Today we got our first lot of snow. It has been snowing all night (a low of -6 deg) and we woke up to a snow covered Geneva!
Wow, it is lots of fun as we went outside to play and throw snowballs.

This is the view from our apartment when we woke up this morning.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello winter!

With the cold weather approaching, there is just as much fun to be had putting on layers and layers of clothing and heading outside.
Literally just outside our apartment, there is an artificial ice skating rink.

Hee hee... just resting!

Monday, November 01, 2010


Complete with spooky children....

And a halloween paaarrrty!

Bern - the capital city

Complete with its very own bears!!

And gingerbread house!!

A lovely city, with its cobbled streets, lovely buildings, and unique clock.

The Grottes of Vallorbe

We went and visited a cave in the Vallorbe area. It was really neat and we got to see lots of stalagmites and stalagtites. These caves took hundreds and thousands of years to form. They even had coloured lights in the cave to make it all glow.

And some of the rocks look really funny, like this one that looks like a mushroom.