Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mmmm... strawberries...

Yum Yum!!

Mummy took us strawberry picking where we can eat as many as we want.

End of the School Year

School is winding up for the holidays over here and so our school put on a 'Spectacle' for all the parents.

Here I am with my friend taming a lion.

The whole school also got up to sing some songs.
My teacher, Damien (in Red) was conducting.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First day of Summer!

Officially, today is the first day of summer. Hooray!! Bring out the shades...

...and let's hit the pools!

Let's hope for a nice long summer!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Football Fever

So Football is very big in Europe, if you hadn't noticed.

And leading up to the World Cup 2010, there are fooz ball tables everywhere.

Here is a kid-sized one that Sarah and I had a game on. I was really good at being the goalie.

And then, there are adult sized ones - like this one here. It was very loooonnnnngg and it can take up to 22 people on one side to play.
This was in the shopping mall and they were having "World Cup" competitions, just like the real thing!
We tried giving it a go but we could barely see over the table!

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Marionettes (or puppets) are a big thing over here... so much so that there are regular shows and the children just love them!

Here we have some life sized ones making friends with small children.

Doesn't Sarah look great as a puppet princess? I think the ears are from Dad's side!

Dressing up

Mummy and daddy visited another Kiwi living in Geneva and they have two girls too. They also have a dress up box, where we tried on many outfits.
I am a fairy princess here and Lottie here is a pussy cat! Meow!
And Sarah found this cool hat, waistcoat, fairy skirt and some cool shoes!