Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer times are beach times

The weather is getting warmer and it is time to head down to the beach.

The difference is that the beach here is by a lake and there is no wind... hmm... how pleasant is that?

The sand is not too bad for digging in either.

We spent ages here, just relaxing and playing.

The circus is in town...

...and so are we!!
So it is Circus Year in Geneva, which means that there are a lot of circuses coming and going.
This one is a little one, especially for children and it was really neat.
Next week, mum and dad are taking us to a bigger circus!!
Yay! How very European!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Toy Library and Story times on Wednesdays

As you all know by now, there is no school on Wednesdays for primary school children in Geneva. (Apparently this is also the case in France).

So on Wednesdays, mum takes us to the toy library where we can play with their toys and then borrow some toys to play with at home. They even have bikes and trikes. We can both go on this one!

And at 'The Library in English', they have story times on Wednesday afternoons. We had a lovely story here with a few other children.

It is a busy day on Wednesdays!