Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Sunday, February 28, 2010

On our way to Geneeeva!

It's a loong waaaay away so better get some sleep in.

...and some DVD watching to be done!

We're here in our apartment and it is a bit colder than Singapore or Sydney (or even, yes, New Zealand!).

Ha, the cold doesn't stop us from running outside in our tee-shirts. Not even when there is still snow on the mountains (behind us in the yonder).

But first, a quick stop off via Sydney and Singapore

A scorcher of a day in Sydney!!

And we visited the Wildlife World at Darling Harbour.

Look at Sarah - she isn't scared of no silly snake!

We visited the Bird Park in Singapore.. strangely there was this cow at the front...

...and we drank drinks of strange, bright colours... wow!! Pink. Our favourite colour!!! (hmmm but in a drink?)

And of course, the famous Merlion!

Our bags are packed!

Our bags are packed and whatever doesn't fit in these four suitcases won't be coming with us!!

Our house is looking empty....

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Summer has finally arrived...

Look at this weather!! Summer is finally here and we are having a picnic outside! This is the life...
... now whose idea was it to pack up and move to another country where it is only 2 Degrees high at the moment??!!