Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not too young to get hooked!

Here I am playing playstation with my cousin, Jack.
It is really neat fun!!
I wish I can play it everyday...!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

We celebrated Dad's birthday recently and mum baked a yummy cake... especially the icing!!

He was only three years old, according to the candles on the cake!

But he is still old enough for the girls to jump on top of!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

More summer holiday fun!

Summer is my favourite month. I get to do cool stuff like...


...waaay up high....

Summer Holidays!

We love summer holidays. We get to go to fun places, where we get to have a ride in an old cart.

We also get to feed the birds - they are looking faaat!

Sarah just chases after them with the food.