Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Peking Kid

Wah, don't I look chinese in this ah??!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Daddy taught me to say Grace before our meal. Tonight we are thankful for the fish fingers and chips and spinach. Mmmmmm... yum!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Zoo

Mummy, Daddy and I went to the Zoo. It was great fun. We saw lots of animals and I even got to feed the giraffe! They had big heads!

Daddy's little girl

I love hanging out with daddy. I get to help him make things, like putting my bookcase together...

... and we get to sit and watch tele...

...and I get to eat McDonalds (which is dad's favourite).

Sleeping beauty

OK, so me sleeping may not be a pretty sight but... I've been in my big bed for about 2 months now and I LOVE it, especially being able to get out of it when I want to. Although mum and dad don't think that is a great idea, especially at 3 in the morning...