Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Gone Swimming

Today I went to the pools with mum. Look at my new togs, aren't they spiffy?

We had a great time considering it was wet and wild outside!

Standing tall

Here's Por-Por and Goong-Goong helping me to stand up.

Look - No hands!!

All the better to bite you with....

I have three teeth, with another one on its way!! SEE??

Makes eating biscuits so much easier...YUM!

Mucking around with Mum

TAG!! You're it!!

Oh, Hi there!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Who me?

I didn't do it... do what? Eh? Nothing...

I can sit myself up though. Clever me!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sharing at ChildSpace

I really like going to ChildSpace. There are always lots of toys to play with and other children.

Hey, what's he got there? That looks more interesting than my toy...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My biggest supporter is...


Yeh-yeh's birthday

Wah! Got a lai-she (red packet) for yeh-yeh's birthday. Great stuff. I'll put that towards my education.

I also got to see my other cousins too. Here I am with Messina and Celine.

New found freedom

I love my new found freedom of being able to crawl... I can get to my car and check myself out in the mirror...

...and get into mummy's bag. Oh look, they're my nappies.