Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Furry Friends

This week I have been visiting the nursery school I will be attending. They have a couple of rabbits and they were... er... breeding like rabbits. This is one of their little bunnies. I got to pet it.

The New Zealand Haka

I think doing the New Zealand Haka for our commonwealth competitors shows a sign of respect and shouldn't be viewed as offensive. Here I am giving a demonstration. Blahh! See - how can that be viewed as offensive?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Meet the rellies...

Here I am with Goong-Goong and Por-Por. They've got lots of neat stuff to play with at their house.

It's good to have friends

Here I am with Heath. Heath is only 4 days younger than me and his Mum (Aunty Dee) and my Mum have been friends for a long long time (over 25 years). Wow, that is a long time by my standards.

I'm playing with Nathan (left) and Isaac (centre), who are Aunty Kirsten's boys. Aunty Kirsten and Aunty Dee and my Mum all went to college together.

My first swing

Here I am at the park with my cousin Jack. He is giving me a push on my first swing. It was neat fun. I think this will be one of mum's favourite hang outs when I am a bit older.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My best pal...

...or am I Jack's best pal? Here we are, two peas from similar pods. Yep, Jack's my cousin and he loves to give me cuddles but I think I'm getting a bit too big for him.

Happy half-birthday to me

Hey, it was my half-birthday yesterday (that's 6 months). Yeah! Now, where's my cake?

Outing to Te Papa

Daddy had a demonstration at Te Papa so I went along to cheer him on. There he is on stage demonstrating kendo. (That's where people hit each other with big bamboo sticks)

I also got to check out the locals. This is owl - he is really fluffy and soft.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Antenatal reunion

Here I am with the other babies from Mum's antenatal class. There's me, Niamh, Coe, Vidthea, Anais and Abigail. Didn't our mums and dads do well?

Just waiting for the other babies to get ready for the photo shoot.

...And your father dresses you funny

I love spending quality time with daddy. Here we are pretending to be rabbits, or was that just me?