Catherine & Sarah's World

The wonderful world of Catherine & Sarah

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My first wedding

Wow! My first wedding! Here I am, all dressed up to go to my first wedding.

It was a beautiful day over in Martinborough but boy, was it hot!

There was good food, good company, a beautiful ceremony, dancing... I think I like weddings...

A mid-afternoon siesta!

What a lovely day for a lovely couple!

Sammie's birthday

It was Sammie's birthday so we were there to help her celebrate it. And it was a yummy cake too.

Jack was keen to help Sammie blow out the candles.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Shopping with Grandma

Grandma took me shopping and she bought me this tee shirt. I can't read yet but she seemed to really like it.

Toys, toys, toys everywhere ...

... and not a single one to play with. Well, technically I wasn't really old enough for them, except the octopus, which I was allowed to play with.

Mum went to visit her friend Lisa and their son Mitchell. Mitchell is about to become an older brother so he was practising sharing his toys with me. And boy, does he have a lot of toys!

Real food!

I went for a walk with Mum and a few of her antenatal friends through Otari-Wilton bush the other day. It was nice, lots to look at and lots of birds singing.

Then we went back to Niamh's (pronounced 'Neve') place and her mum, Rosie, for a bite of home baking! I only got to look at the food, mum didn't let me have any of the homemade bread and cheese.

Mmmm, not long now though until I get to eat with the grown ups.

Monday, January 23, 2006

What the ...?

Hey, so this is what my toys get up to when I'm asleep!

It's nice to see that they are getting along so well.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

By Golly I'm Jolly

Hey, I'm not attached to Mum!

This is my latest favourite pastime, a Jolly Jumper. I get to bounce around and it is neat fun! If I had known how cool this is, I would have held my head up sooner! Yeah, I'm having fun!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hanging with Mum

Now that Dad has gone back to work, I get to hang out with Mum. Literally. That's me, hanging, with Mum.

And if I wave my hands really fast, it will look like I am flying. See?!

Finding my feet

Hey, what's down there? They appear to be bugs of some sort.

Might have a closer look...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

My first beer

Mmmmmm... beer.....

Yesterday, mum, dad and I went out for a walk. It was thirsty work so dad got me a beer. Of course I couldn't finish it so dad helped me.

School Holidays

Wow, school holidays are great. I get to hang out with my cousins. Here I am playing with Johanna on the playmat - she came down to stay over the school holidays.

It was tiring stuff too but she is really comfortable to sleep on...

...and so is Sam, another cousin of mine.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hangin' out with Dad

It was great fun hangin' out with Dad. Dad was on holiday so I got to spend time with him. Here we are watching TV. (OH! It looks like I fell asleep.)

He also let me sleep in the big bed!!

(It's hard work being a baby, lots of sleeping to do.)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a very happy new year!
Look at me! This is a new skill I have acquired. I can roll from my back to my tummy... aren't I clever?? Trouble is though, I can't move my arms and legs once I'm on my tummy. Any ideas?